

enableHR Employee records are enhanced with Payroll related fields.

For Australian accounts:

  • Bank Accounts:
    • Up to 4 bank accounts are supported. The order in which accounts are to be considered (by the payroll system) is mandatory.
    • A Bank Account is made of a BSB and Account number together.
    • Each bank account has a “Dollar amount” that represents the $ figure that the payroll system will use for payment into this bank account. The “Remainder” option is used for “everything left”.
  • Tax:
    • All the essential details needed for the Australian taxation purpose are supported, including Tax File Number, Residency Status, Employment basis, Tax free threshold, HECS and Trade Support Loan.
    • TFN is masked except for the last 3 digits (###-###-123), if un-masked TFN is needed for Payroll integration purposes, please contact Client Success at
  • Superannuation: Supports industry or commercial super funds and as well Self-Managed Super Funds. Up to 4 Superannuation funds can be maintained for an employee including Fund name, Fund address, Fund ABN and USI.
  • Leave Balances: Leave balances information can be maintained for Australian employees includes Annual, Personal and Long Service leaves.

For New Zealand accounts:

  • Bank Accounts:
    • Up to 4 bank accounts are supported. The order in which accounts are to be considered (by the payroll system) is mandatory
    • 16-digit account number which includes Bank number, Branch Number, Account number and suffixes.
    • Each bank account has a “Dollar amount” that represents the $ figure that the payroll system will use for payment into this bank account. The “Remainder” option is used for “everything left”.
  • Tax: Mandatory tax information including Tax Code, Student loan percentage and IRD number are maintained in enableHR.
  • Kiwisaver: Retirement saving information for New Zealand employees includes Employee & Employer contributions and as well as pre-defined Employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT) are maintained.
  • Leave Balances: Majorly used leave balances information can be maintained for New Zealand employees includes Annual, Sick, Personal, Long Service, Bereavement and Domestic Violence leaves.

Add / Update / Delete Bank Accounts

Use this action to Add, Update or Delete employee bank details.

The same action is used to add, update and delete Bank Accounts in Australia and New Zealand. The API call knows if the Account is in Australia or New Zealand, so you don’t have to specify it.

enableHR supports up to 4 bank accounts. The order in which accounts are to be considered (by the payroll system) is mandatory.

  1. If the Employee doesn’t have any bank account, the ones passed through the API are added.
  2. If the Employee already has some bank account details, they will be updated with the new ones.
  3. If the API doesn’t send any bank account details, then the existing details for the Employee will be deleted.

Each bank account has a “Dollar amount” that represents the $ figure that the payroll system will use for payment into this bank account. The “Remainder” option is used for “everything left”.

MethodPUT: Maintain Employee Bank Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Parameters
BSB - Mandatory
Bank State branch of the bank account094301
Account Number - Mandatory
Bank account number of the employee123456789
Account Name - Mandatory
Name of the person for the bank accountLinda Johnson
Dollar amountSpecified amount to be depositedIf Remainder is chosen – Null value (or) the specified amount as per setup.
Statement TextText that appears on bank statementBalance Salary
Remainder - Mandatory
Identifier to decide which bank accounts gets the remaining part of the salary credit.True / False
Account Order - Mandatory
Order of how the bank account setup is to be considered0 (or) 1 (or) 2 (or) 3
Bank Account Number - Mandatory
Bank account number of the employee123456789
Account Name - Mandatory
Name of the person for the bank accountLinda Johnson
Dollar amountSpecified amount to be depositedIf Remainder is chosen – Null value (or) the specified amount as per setup.
Statement TextText that appears on bank statementBalance Salary
Remainder - Mandatory
Identifier to decide which bank accounts gets the remaining part of the salary credit.True / False

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Retrieve Bank Accounts

Use this action to retrieve the Bank Account details of an Employee.

enableHR supports up to 4 bank accounts. The order in which accounts are to be considered (by the payroll system) is mandatory.

Each bank account has a “Dollar amount” that represents the $ figure that the payroll system will use for payment into this bank account. The “Remainder” option is used for “everything left”.

MethodGET: Retrieve Bank Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
BSBBank State branch of the bank account094301
Account NumberBank account number of the employee123456789
Account NameName of the person for the bank accountLinda Johnson
Dollar amountSpecified amount to be depositedIf Remainder is chosen – Null value (or) the specified amount as per setup.
Statement TextText that appears on bank statementBalance Salary
RemainderIdentifier to decide which bank accounts gets the remaining part of the salary credit.True / False
Account OrderOrder of how the bank account setup is to be considered0 (or) 1 (or) 2 (or) 3
Bank Account NumberBank account number of the employee123456789
Account NameName of the person for the bank accountLinda Johnson
Dollar amountSpecified amount to be depositedIf Remainder is chosen – Null value (or) the specified amount as per setup.
Statement TextText that appears on bank statementBalance Salary
RemainderIdentifier to decide which bank accounts gets the remaining part of the salary credit.True / False
Account OrderOrder of how the bank account setup is to be considered0 (or) 1 (or) 2 (or) 3

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Add / Update / Delete Superannuation / Kiwisaver

Use this action to Add, Update or Delete employee Superannuation (Australia) or Kiwisaver (New Zealand) details.

The same action is used to add, update and delete Super Funds in Australia and New Zealand. The API call knows if the Account is in Australia or New Zealand, so you don’t have to specify it.

  1. If the Superannuation / Kiwisaver details are not already present, they will be added
  2. If the Superannuation / Kiwisaver details already exist, they are updated with the new details.
  3. When the details are empty, the input details are removed, Superannuation / Kiwisaver details for the employee will be deleted.

enableHR supports up to 4 super funds in Australia that can include either Regulated or Self-Managed Super Fund types. Multiple Superannuation records can be maintained for an employee including Fund name, Fund address, Fund ABN and USI.

MethodPUT: Maintain Employee Retirement Saving Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Fields
Type - Mandatory
Type of SuperFundAccepted values: REGULATED
Employee/member numberUnique Member number for the super fund98001
Fund name - Mandatory
Superannuation fund nameVanguard Superfund
Super Fund ID (USI) - Mandatory
Unique Superannuation Identifier for the fundSuper fund test
ABN - Mandatory
Valid Australian Business Number of the fund65714394898
Type - Mandatory
Type of SuperFundAccepted values: SMSF
Employee/member numberUnique Member number for the super fund98002
Fund name - Mandatory
Superannuation fund nameSMSF Family fund
Electronic Service AddressElectronic Service Address for data messagesESUPERFUND
ABN - Mandatory
Valid Australian Business Number of the fund88714394999
Bank Account Name - Mandatory
Bank Account name for SMSFSMSF Fund name
Bank Account BSB - Mandatory
BSB for SMSF016 789
Bank Account Number – Mandatory
Bank Account number for SMSF654587787
Status - Mandatory
The Kiwi Saver statusAccepted values - ACTIVE, OPT_OUT,
Employer Contribution PercentageKiwi Super contribution made by the employer4%
Employee Contribution PercentageKiwi Super contribution made by the employee3% (allowed values 3, 4, 6, 8, 10)
ESCTEmployer Contribution tax based on earnings17.5% (allowed values: 10.5, 17.5, 30, 33)
Opt Out DateOpt out Date2022-10-29
Bank Account NumberBank account number when chosen to opt out231235435345
Account holder's NameName of the bank account holder when chosen to opt outSuresh Rana
Suspension End DateSuspension End date2021-12-01
Suspension End dateDate when the Kiwi saver to be suspended2023-09-23

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

When status is active:

When Status is Opt-out:

When Status is Suspended:

Retrieve Superannuation / Kiwisaver

Use this action to retrieve the details of Superannuation (Australia) or Kiwisaver (New Zealand) of an Employee.

enableHR supports up to 4 super funds in Australia that can include either Regulated or Self-Managed Super Fund types. Multiple Superannuation records can be maintained for an employee including Fund name, Fund address, Fund ABN and USI.

MethodGET: Retrieve Superannuation / Kiwisaver details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Field Name on the ScreenDetailsExample
TypeType of SuperFundREGULATED or SMSF
Employee/member numberUnique Unique Member number for the super fund98001
Fund nameSuperannuation fund nameSuper fund test
ABNValid Australian Business Number of the fund65714394898
Electronic Service AddressElectronic Service Address for data messagesESUPERFUND
Super Fund ID (USI)Unique Superannuation Identifier for the fundSTA0100AU
Bank Account NameBank Account name for SMSFSMSF Fund name
Bank Account BSBBSB for SMSF016 789
Bank Account NumberBank Account number for SMSF654587787
StatusThe Kiwi Saver statusAccepted values - ACTIVE, OPT_OUT,
Employer Contribution PercentageKiwi Super contribution made by the employer4%
Employee Contribution PercentageKiwi Super contribution made by the employee3% (allowed values 3, 4, 6, 8, 10)
ESCTEmployer Contribution tax based on earnings17.5% (allowed values: 10.5, 17.5, 30, 33)

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Add / Update Tax Details

Use this action to Add or Update the Tax details of an Employee.

The same action is used to add or update the Tax details in Australia and New Zealand. The API call knows if the Account is in Australia or New Zealand, so you don’t have to specify it.

If the tax details already exist, it will be updated with the new input details otherwise it will be created.

All the essential details needed for the Australian taxation purpose are supported, including Tax File Number, Residency Status, Employment basis, Tax free threshold, HECS and Trade Support Loan.
TFN is always masked except for the last 3 digits (###-###-123), if un-masked TFN is needed for Payroll integration purposes, please contact Client Success.

In New Zealand, all mandatory tax information including Tax Code, Student loan percentage and IRD number are maintained in enableHR.

MethodPUT: Add/Update Tax Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Fields
TFN - Mandatory
Tax file number of an employeeValid 9 digits of the TFN as enableHR does validations.
Exempt TypeAny tax exemption based on agePossible values – Unquoted, Pending, Under 18, Pensioner
Employee BasisType of EmploymentPossible values – Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Labor Hire, Super Income stream
Residency StatusResidency for tax purposesPossible values – Australian Resident, Foreign Resident, Working Holiday Maker
Tax Free Threshold ClaimedEmployees option whether to be taxed for every dollar earned or notTrue / False
Trade Support LoanSupport for apprentices to assist with everyday costsTrue / False
Hecs SupportedHigher Education Support from Australian governmentTrue / False
Student startup loanVoluntary loan for eligible students who get youth allowanceTrue / False
Financial Supplement DebtFinancing scheme offered by the Australian government's Social Security officeTrue / False
FinAustralian ResidentAustralian Resident for Tax PurposesTrue / False
Eligible To Receive Leave LoadingAs outlined in your employee's award or workplace agreementTrue / False
Other Tax Offset ClaimedReduces the tax on the taxable income for Low- and Middle-income earnerTrue / False
Upward Variation RequestedEmployees request to increase the PAYG deducted from their pay each week or fortnight to avoid a bill from the ATOTrue / False
Approved Withholding VariationEmployees have necessary approval from ATO for withholding variationTrue / False
Approved Withholding Variation PercentagePercentage value for the withholding variation15%
Income TypeEmployment IncomePossible values – Salary and Wages, Closely held payees, Working holiday maker
Employee's country of OriginCountry of Origin when the employee is a foreignerAR - Argentina
Valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, e.g. "AU", "NZ", "CA", or an empty string ("") to unset a previously set value. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Tax File Declaration signedDate when the employee signed TFN declaration2001-02-01
Tax Scale typeEmployee Tax ScalePossible Values: Regular, Horticulturists and shearers, 'Actors, variety artists and other entertainers', Seniors and pensioners, Working holiday maker, Foreigner
Employee's working conditionWhen 'Tax Scale Type' selected is ‘Actors, variety artists and other entertainers'Possible Values: Promotional, 3 or less performances per week, None of these
Senior's Marital StatusWhen 'Tax Scale Type' selected is 'Seniors and pensioners'Possible Values: Couple, Illness Seperated Couple, Single
Study and Training Support LoanLoans taken from Government for higher education, trade apprenticeships and other training programs.True / False
Tax Code - Mandatory
Tax codes help the employer work out how much tax to deductAllowed values as per the IRD Spec: (CAE, M, M_SL, ME, ME_SL, ND, NSW, S, S_SL, SA, SA_SL, SB, SB_SL, SH, SH_SL, ST, ST_SL, STC, WT)
IRD NumberUnique number issued by Inland Revenue to customers8 or 9-digit number
Student LoanPercentage value4%

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Retrieve Tax Details

Use this action to Add or Update the Tax details of an Employee.

All the essential details needed for the Australian taxation purpose are supported, including Tax File Number, Residency Status, Employment basis, Tax free threshold, HECS and Trade Support Loan.
TFN is always masked except for the last 3 digits (###-###-123), if un-masked TFN is needed for Payroll integration purposes, please contact Client Success.

In New Zealand, all mandatory tax information including Tax Code, Student loan percentage and IRD number are maintained in enableHR.

MethodGET: Retrieve tax Details of an Employee
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
TFNTax file number of an employeeMasked values except for last 3 digits ######782.
Unmasked TFN can be provided to the payroll providers which needs additional security checks.
Exempt TypeAny tax exemption based on agePossible values – Unquoted, Pending, Under 18, Pensioner
Employee BasisType of EmploymentPossible values – Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Labor Hire, Super Income stream
Residency StatusResidency for tax purposesPossible values – Australian Resident, Foreign Resident, Working Holiday Maker
Tax Free Threshold ClaimedEmployees option whether to be taxed for every dollar earned or notTrue / False
Trade Support LoanSupport for apprentices to assist with everyday costsTrue / False
Hecs SupportedHigher Education Support from Australian governmentTrue / False
Student startup loanVoluntary loan for eligible students who get youth allowanceTrue / False
Financial Supplement DebtFinancing scheme offered by the Australian government's Social Security officeTrue / False
FinAustralian ResidentAustralian Resident for Tax PurposesTrue / False
Eligible To Receive Leave LoadingAs outlined in your employee's award or workplace agreementTrue / False
Other Tax Offset ClaimedReduces the tax on the taxable income for Low- and Middle-income earnerTrue / False
Upward Variation RequestedEmployees request to increase the PAYG deducted from their pay each week or fortnight to avoid a bill from the ATOTrue / False
Approved Withholding VariationEmployees have necessary approval from ATO for withholding variationTrue / False
Approved Withholding Variation PercentagePercentage value for the withholding variation15%
Income TypeEmployment IncomePossible values – Salary and Wages, Closely held payees, Working holiday maker
Employee's country of OriginCountry of Origin when the employee is a foreignerAR - Argentina
Valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, e.g. "AU", "NZ", "CA", or an empty string ("") to unset a previously set value. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Tax File Declaration signedDate when the employee signed TFN declaration2001-02-01
Tax Scale typeEmployee Tax ScalePossible Values: Regular, Horticulturists and shearers, 'Actors, variety artists and other entertainers', Seniors and pensioners, Working holiday maker, Foreigner
Employee's working conditionWhen 'Tax Scale Type' selected is 'Actors, variety artists and other entertainers'Possible Values: Promotional, 3 or less performances per week, None of these
Senior's Marital StatusWhen 'Tax Scale Type' selected is 'Seniors and pensioners'Possible Values: Couple, Illness Seperated Couple, Single
Study and Training Support LoanLoans taken from Government for higher education, trade apprenticeships and other training programs.True / False
Tax CodeTax codes help the employer work out how much tax to deductAllowed values as per the IRD Spec: (CAE, M, M_SL, ME, ME_SL, ND, NSW, S, S_SL, SA, SA_SL, SB, SB_SL, SH, SH_SL, ST, ST_SL, STC, WT)
IRD NumberUnique number issued by Inland Revenue to customers8 or 9-digit number
Student LoanPercentage value4%

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Leave Balances

Although enableHR doesn’t provide Leave Management feature, it stores Leave Balances so that managers and employees can visualise them. In Australia, the following leave types are currently supported:

  • Annual Leave
  • Personal Leave
  • Long Service Leave

In New Zealand, the following leave types are currently supported:

  • Annual Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Long Service Leave
  • Domestic Violence leave
  • Bereavement leave
  • Parental leave
  • Alternative Holidays

Retrieve Leave Balances

Use this action to retrieve the Leave Balances of an Employee.

In Australia, the following leave types are currently supported: Annual Leave, Personal Leave, Long Service Leave.

In New Zealand, the following leave types are currently supported: Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Long Service Leave, Domestic Violence leave, Bereavement leave, Parental leave, Alternative Holidays.

Units can be in days or hours as maintained by client.

MethodGET: Retrieve Employee Leave balances
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Annual LeaveAnnual leave units stored in enableHR for the employee480.23
Personal LeavePersonal leave units220.00
Long Service LeaveLong Service leave units13.00
Annual LeaveAnnual leave units stored in enableHR for the employee23.42
Sick LeaveSick leave units12.32
Long Service LeaveLong Service leave units0
Domestic Violence leaveDomestic Violence leave units0
Bereavement leaveBereavement leave units provided to employee16.0
Parental leaveParental leave units provided to employee0
Alternative HolidaysAny alternative leave provided to employee0

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Update Leave Balances

Use this action to add or update Leave Balances of an Employee.

The same action is used to add or update the Leave Balances in Australia and New Zealand. The API call knows if the Account is in Australia or New Zealand, so you don’t have to specify it.

In Australia, the following leave types are currently supported: Annual Leave, Personal Leave, Long Service Leave.

In New Zealand, the following leave types are currently supported: Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Long Service Leave, Domestic Violence leave, Bereavement leave, Parental leave, Alternative Holidays.

Units can be in days or hours as maintained by client.

MethodPUT: Maintain Leave Balances
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Fields
Annual LeaveAnnual leave units stored in enableHR for the employee480.23
Personal LeavePersonal leave units220.00
Long Service LeaveLong Service leave units13.00
Annual LeaveAnnual leave units stored in enableHR for the employee23.42
Sick LeaveSick leave units12.32
Long Service LeaveLong Service leave units0
Domestic Violence leaveDomestic Violence leave units0
Bereavement leaveBereavement leave units provided to employee16.0
Parental leaveParental leave units provided to employee0
Alternative HolidaysAny alternative leave provided to employee0

Australian Accounts

New Zealand Accounts

Retrieve Payroll Details

Use this action to retrieve payroll details of an Employee.

Payroll details are very much common elements to be used for Payroll processing both in Australia and New Zealand.

Hours Per Week, Pay Rate, Rate Unit, Pay Schedule, Payroll Company and Pay Group are the fields available through this end point.

MethodGET: Retrieve Employee Payroll Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Hours Per WeekStandard hours employee supposed to work in a week.40
Pay RatePay Rate at which an employee is by an hour/year.42.14
Rate UnitRate to choose if its by hourly/annually.Possible Values - Hourly, Annually
Pay ScheduleFrequency at which employee is paid.Possible Values - Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Twice_Monthly
Payroll CompanyFree text to use for payroll processingIndigo Australia
Pay GroupFree text to use for payroll processingFortnight hourly emps

Add/Update Payroll Details

Use this action to maintain payroll details of an Employee.

Payroll details are very much common elements to be used for Payroll processing both in Australia and New Zealand.

Hours Per Week, Pay Rate, Rate Unit, Pay Schedule, Payroll Company and Pay Group are the fields available for maintenance through this end point.

MethodPUT: Maintain Employee Payroll Details
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Hours Per WeekStandard hours employee supposed to work in a week.40
Pay RatePay Rate at which an employee is by an hour/year.42.14
Rate UnitRate to choose if its by hourly/annually.Possible Values - Hourly, Annually
Pay ScheduleFrequency at which employee is paid.Possible Values - Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Twice_Monthly
Payroll CompanyFree text to use for payroll processingIndigo Australia
Pay GroupFree text to use for payroll processingFortnight hourly emps
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